понедельник, 21 мая 2012 г.

10 biggest mistakes mankind

a. Einstein was troechnikov.

Vent millions of kids with a red pen ischirkannymi diaries - as it turns out, promoted, and harmful myth. In fact, Nobel Laureate quite succeeded as a child, especially when it came to science and mathematics. Cant go since in Germany changed the system of school assessment and its honestly earned four were taken to deuce. So, boys and girls (and their parents) - forward for the book. And no more excuses about Einstein! .

2. Mice like cheese.

International Association officially declared rat mice do not like cheese, and slaughter it on your nose! . And much cheese - so good, already sits in the liver.

3. Napoleon was Shorty.

... There are many versions of what in fact was the growth of the French heartthrob. Some claim that the 151 cm, other - 155. But now the Times says that 170 and an inch or less. And all we 've heard before - the nonsense and errors of translators. Hence the question: Was Napoleon Napoleon complex?.

4. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.

In the Times would not want to offend anyone... but Mr. Edison is not enough if you bask in the glory of others and wearing someone else's laurel crown? . And that's that.

5. Lemmings rushing to the cliff to commit suicide.

As they say, and lemminogovody lemmingolyuby - lemmings are not as stupid as they are painted at Disney, and for any price would not commit suicide group. So, dear reader, do not give in to provocations psevdolemmingov and other scams. Lemmings to the cliffs is not Segal - fact!.

6. In different hemispheres water in the cup is twisted in opposite directions.

And here and there! .

7. Humans evolved from apes.

Darwin, do not go and shout at each corner, that we are descended from these handsome. And we take it and turn it over everything, as usual, turned on its head. A Darwin - it - all navsego wanted to prove that we and the chimps had a common ancestor. The hairy and agile.

8. The Vikings wore horned helmets.

Scientists have conferred and agreed that screwed up, when concluded, that the Vikings are revered hats. In fact, they are simply buried with the rest of uncomplicated cooking utensils - in particular, with glasses of wine (as are the horns and served ). And when they were first dug up, thought - how could they, the horns come from? .

9. Columbus believed the earth was flat.

Not such a simpleton was Columbus that just went by a roundabout route to India. Instructing the story invites us to read the Times, to forever abandon the validity of this myth.

10. Different parts of the tongue respond to different tastes.

Materials BBC Science assure us that part of our language is really equipped with different taste buds with the latest technology, and some of them more sensitive to sweet or salty than other. But this does not mean that the language is divided into some specific sectors.

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