http://ecmclub. blogspot. com/2010/05/blog-post_25. html. , It turned out interesting discussion). And I had just had a conversation with a software developer, who spoke about the experience of creating some of these cloud systems in health care. As a result of that conversation came the interview, which is now published on the website of our publications:. http://www. pcweek. ru / themes / detail. php? ID = 123735.
I would like to draw attention to what is created in pechatlenie that the regions (not all, but still) ahead of the Centre ispolzolvanii new ideas and concepts.
среда, 30 мая 2012 г.
About SaaS in medicine
пятница, 25 мая 2012 г.
About monetization.
crash Test. I recommend everyone read. monetization of the Internet start-ups. And now the strain is not it:).
The mother of Anna Chapman - She led friends and parents
Native of Anna Chapman for the first time agreed to meet with reporters and talk about what they think of high-profile espionage scandal.
According to Irina Kushchenko, the mother of detained U.S. Russian businesswoman Anna Chapman, the news of the arrest of his daughter was a complete surprise. First close was a loud spy scandal for publicity stunt designed to draw attention to the business of Anne.
28- year-old Chapman is the owner of an Internet resource of real estate. Testing the business model in Russia, Anna decided to launch a similar project in the U.S.. Her younger sister, Catherine helped her in business and developed a promotional concept to the general business.
... And then I thought, no, something 's not funny ' - told reporters Kushchenko Catherine, sister of Anna.
Immediately after the arrest of Chapman telephoned her mother Irina Kushchenko and told what had happened.
... You can not blame than ' - recalls a telephone conversation with his daughter Irina Kushchenko.
понедельник, 21 мая 2012 г.
10 biggest mistakes mankind
a. Einstein was troechnikov.
Vent millions of kids with a red pen ischirkannymi diaries - as it turns out, promoted, and harmful myth. In fact, Nobel Laureate quite succeeded as a child, especially when it came to science and mathematics. Cant go since in Germany changed the system of school assessment and its honestly earned four were taken to deuce. So, boys and girls (and their parents) - forward for the book. And no more excuses about Einstein! .
2. Mice like cheese.
International Association officially declared rat mice do not like cheese, and slaughter it on your nose! . And much cheese - so good, already sits in the liver.
3. Napoleon was Shorty.
... There are many versions of what in fact was the growth of the French heartthrob. Some claim that the 151 cm, other - 155. But now the Times says that 170 and an inch or less. And all we 've heard before - the nonsense and errors of translators. Hence the question: Was Napoleon Napoleon complex?.
4. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.
In the Times would not want to offend anyone... but Mr. Edison is not enough if you bask in the glory of others and wearing someone else's laurel crown? . And that's that.
5. Lemmings rushing to the cliff to commit suicide.
As they say, and lemminogovody lemmingolyuby - lemmings are not as stupid as they are painted at Disney, and for any price would not commit suicide group. So, dear reader, do not give in to provocations psevdolemmingov and other scams. Lemmings to the cliffs is not Segal - fact!.
6. In different hemispheres water in the cup is twisted in opposite directions.
And here and there! .
7. Humans evolved from apes.
Darwin, do not go and shout at each corner, that we are descended from these handsome. And we take it and turn it over everything, as usual, turned on its head. A Darwin - it - all navsego wanted to prove that we and the chimps had a common ancestor. The hairy and agile.
8. The Vikings wore horned helmets.
Scientists have conferred and agreed that screwed up, when concluded, that the Vikings are revered hats. In fact, they are simply buried with the rest of uncomplicated cooking utensils - in particular, with glasses of wine (as are the horns and served ). And when they were first dug up, thought - how could they, the horns come from? .
9. Columbus believed the earth was flat.
Not such a simpleton was Columbus that just went by a roundabout route to India. Instructing the story invites us to read the Times, to forever abandon the validity of this myth.
10. Different parts of the tongue respond to different tastes.
Materials BBC Science assure us that part of our language is really equipped with different taste buds with the latest technology, and some of them more sensitive to sweet or salty than other. But this does not mean that the language is divided into some specific sectors.
воскресенье, 13 мая 2012 г.
Why Russians are leaving the country?
Highly qualified professionals of the middle class, feeling excluded from the current economic and political system of the country, to emigrate in search of greener grass on the pastures new. Andrew and Hope are successful professionals and happy family. Such people should be the backbone of the new Russia and the driving force behind its restoration. But they plan to leave the country forever.
They live in the ancient city of Vladimir, which is located 200 kilometers east of Moscow. In 40 -year-old Andrew and 36 -year-old hopes a good job, one bedroom apartment and a car, and two daughters, 10 and four years. Four years ago, they took the firm decision to emigrate. Why not?.
... ... Look at our stores: you almost never find anything that is made in Russia. Our prosperity depends on oil prices and the decisions taken by politicians and economists in other countries. We do not feel that we need here ...
This rigid view of the situation in the country is shared by many Russians. Conducted a survey last year, a respected center ...
Andrew and Hope are part of a new wave of emigration from Russia. There is no full statistics, partly because of the difficulty of fixing departures. According to the Federal Migration Service, about 30,000 people have fled Russia for 11 months last year. However, these data suggest only those who renounced Russian citizenship, whereas the majority of Russian passports to leave. Last year, the Audit Commission published the data, based on tax returns, that the 1.24 million Russians left the country for the past ten years. Other surveys provide data on two million. The shocking fact is that the exodus from Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union can be compared with the wave of emigration during and after the October Revolution of 1917. Then the Russians fled from violence and hunger. Today they have other motives.
The first post-Soviet wave of emigration, when the 90th years, Russia has left some 1.1 million people, mostly attributed to the removal of the Soviet ban on travel and the country's painful transition from a planned to a market economy. Baffled by the fact that during the reign of Vladimir Putin in the early 2000s a wave of departures has risen again. Anyway, under Putin, Russia has managed to survive the chaos of the 90s, to establish a steady growth and personal incomes have grown substantially. However, economic growth for the most part belonged to the extractive industries, limiting the opportunities for self-. Corrupt bunch of Russian business and government has become unbearable, stifling competition and helping the emergence of billionaire officials. Many feel that the political system increasingly resembles the Soviet Union, where people are few that decide to operate, the parliament was decorative, but the elections were just a laughing stock. At the same time, a sense of social justice, which the Soviet Union was famous, almost disappeared in the new capitalist Russia. Over the past ten years, Russia has earned about 1.6 trillion dollars just from the sale of oil and gas, or more than 11 thousand dollars per person, but the money ended up in the pockets of a few privileged. Today in Moscow, more millionaires than any other capital of the world, but across the country for more than 21 million of 142 million live below the subsistence minimum. In the past year has been poor for two million more than in 2010. This is the data of Rosstat, the state statistics committee.
... ... We are completely alienated from the state, we can not change the government in the elections ...
Who would imagine twenty years ago, that the Russians would leave their country in search of social justice and security? .
... But they may need a few more years to realize his dream of emigrating to Canada, as related to the departure of a long and difficult process.
Focus on the middle class.
Concerned about the fact that the Russian emigration consists of middle-class. Andrew is an educated mechanic and engineer. Hope has two diplomas of higher education in accounting and management. They say that the opportunities to find in their hometown with 350 -thousand population is quite limited. While they expect the move to Canada, Andrew, like many in Vladimir, accepted the offer of better paid work in Moscow. He travels to the capital twice a week to work on a per diem shifts.
... ...
Last month, the Gusev Crystal Factory, a major employer and taxpayer, Gus Crystal, a city an hour's drive from Vladimir with a population of 60,000 people declared themselves bankrupt and laid off the remaining employees. Once known for his glass of copyright, Gus Crystal appointed to take the headlines as a city controlled by gangs. The scandal erupted when residents complained to Putin's massive racketeering, which is encouraged by the local police.
In absolute terms, emigration from Russia is not so large in comparison with other countries. Moreover, it is emphasized by the tide of immigrants from the former Soviet Union. The problem is that the country is losing highly skilled and courageous staff, the cream of society, while most of the guests are uneducated workers from Central Asia.
Professor Anatoly Vishnevsky Institute of Demography of the Higher School of Economics suggests that more than one million people with diplomas of higher education have left Russia for the past 20 years, and the outflow continues.
Some of the best Russian universities are free suppliers of talent to foreign labs. According to a study of the Novosibirsk Branch of the RAS, 70 % of the students of the Novosibirsk State University plan to leave the country after they receive a diploma.
A survey conducted polls were last year, showed that the number of people ever ready to leave Russia, has grown four-fold compared with the moment of collapse of the Soviet Union 20 years ago. Today, 21 % of Russians consider emigration as a chance to self-fulfillment and a better life. Among the educated youth, the percentage of potential immigrants is 39 %.
Compared with 1990, bubbled over the years, when the Russians for the most part traveling in a westerly direction, and many look to the East. Tens of thousands of Siberians, for the most part small and medium entrepreneurs, family business and moved to China in order to avoid bureaucratic pressure at home and racketeering.
... According to him, he left because of business and political climate in Russia is strangled.
... I felt that it was impossible to change anything. You can be successful only in two cases: if you evade taxes, or sitting on an oil pipeline ...
Cynics say that the Kremlin was only too glad that irritated leave the country, and only for this reason they seek to achieve visa-free regime with Europe. The country that lives off oil and gas reserves, does not need skilled workers.
Protests and Political System.
Mass protests against rigged results of parliamentary elections in December showed that many educated people of the Russian cities, instead of packing their suitcases are now ready to take to the streets, demanding reforms and freedoms.
Peaceful protests have forced the Kremlin to promise to pro-democracy reforms and the 25 million new jobs for highly skilled workers in the next ten years. This gave rise to the hope that many of the potential emigrants postpone or even abandon the idea of leaving.
But Andrew and Hope do not believe that things will change in Russia in their time. They showed the recent news from the local newspaper.
The newspaper reported that a fire in the building of the district administration has destroyed all the ballots from two precincts, where Putin was on 90 % of the vote ( which is two times larger than the average of Vladimir ). What's worse, these polling stations on election day do not opened. Police called faulty wiring caused the fire.
... ...
Original publication:. The Russians are leaving... Russia.
суббота, 5 мая 2012 г.
Yanukovych has eliminated the opposition in Parliament
President Viktor Yanukovych signed into law October 15 to amend the Rules of the Supreme Rada. According to the press service of the State.
As you know, the new law excludes all applicable regulations, which included the formation of the coalition and the opposition, in fact, eliminating the parliamentary opposition. In addition to new regulations abolished the rule of the traditional ...
Parliament also excluded from rate regulation to ban MPs to pass between the factions. Parliament retained the requirement for the formation of factions at least 15 deputies. In the case of exclusion or withdrawal from the deputy faction, he is too, when individual.
Glad too, when individual members retained the right to form a parliamentary group with a minimum number of deputies in which 15 people. At the same law stipulates that a registered parliamentary group has the right faction.
The law stipulates that the Verkhovna Rada is considering giving its consent to the appointment of the Prime Minister not later than five days after the date of the submission by the President. In particular, the ...
By law, the decision to grant consent to the appointment of a candidate for the post of Prime Minister shall be deemed adopted if voted for him for more than half of people's deputies of the constitutional composition of the Verkhovna Rada.
Recall, the Verkhovna Rada adopted amendments to its regulations at the meeting of October 8.
News from Skypecine. com.
среда, 2 мая 2012 г.
Erotic Demotivatory
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