среда, 30 мая 2012 г.

About SaaS in medicine

http://ecmclub. blogspot. com/2010/05/blog-post_25. html. , It turned out interesting discussion). And I had just had a conversation with a software developer, who spoke about the experience of creating some of these cloud systems in health care. As a result of that conversation came the interview, which is now published on the website of our publications:. http://www. pcweek. ru / themes / detail. php? ID = 123735.

I would like to draw attention to what is created in pechatlenie that the regions (not all, but still) ahead of the Centre ispolzolvanii new ideas and concepts.

пятница, 25 мая 2012 г.

About monetization.

crash Test. I recommend everyone read. monetization of the Internet start-ups. And now the strain is not it:).

The mother of Anna Chapman - She led friends and parents

Native of Anna Chapman for the first time agreed to meet with reporters and talk about what they think of high-profile espionage scandal.

According to Irina Kushchenko, the mother of detained U.S. Russian businesswoman Anna Chapman, the news of the arrest of his daughter was a complete surprise. First close was a loud spy scandal for publicity stunt designed to draw attention to the business of Anne.

28- year-old Chapman is the owner of an Internet resource of real estate. Testing the business model in Russia, Anna decided to launch a similar project in the U.S.. Her younger sister, Catherine helped her in business and developed a promotional concept to the general business.

... And then I thought, no, something 's not funny ' - told reporters Kushchenko Catherine, sister of Anna.

Immediately after the arrest of Chapman telephoned her mother Irina Kushchenko and told what had happened.

... You can not blame than ' - recalls a telephone conversation with his daughter Irina Kushchenko.