After analyzing the situation the Government of Moscow, it was decided to launch the project Automated Information Management System ( AIAS ), ... Moscow ... This project was implemented within the city target program ( STP) ... Ordered by the State Information Office in Moscow, as the executor -. Company ... which specializes in the development and establishment of centers of decision support ( situational centers ), disaster- technology infrastructure and integrated information security issues.
Construction of the first test zone AIAS ' Mr. Emergency Medicine. Moscow ... In this AIAS should fit into the existing system of information exchange structures of health.
The new information system was to ensure the creation of a unified information space of public health in relation to city-wide integrated information environment. Along the way, when you create AIAS solved the problem of reducing the complexity of the medical staff sempai by reducing the loss of working time to the collection, collation, preparation and execution of reference and reporting and statistical documents. A set of measures to modernize the existing system be in the best possible preservation of earlier investments, gradually and without interruption of service users.
The technical basis AIAS ... TAP is based on the equipment companies. Cisco Systems. and. Alcatel. and consists of channels of communication and telecommunication nodes ( TKU ) of two types - the central and territorial. Located in the central TKU NPC EMF and the Department of Health in Moscow, and territorial - territorial in the objects that make up the emergency medical services. On the basis of the transport network has been deployed several subsystems.
Subsystem is operational and a direct telephone connection is based on company equipment. Avaya. It provides voice and fax facilities, and emergency medical services with the Department of Health and the NPC EMF.
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