Make storage devices for PCIe -based flash memory such as a company. Fusion-io. prepares to enter the SSD market. ioDrive2 and ioDrive2 Duo. Models range ioDrive2 PCIe x4 interface are based on NAND flash chip architecture of MLC (multi level cell) and SLC (single level cell). In the first family includes the modification capacity of 365, 785 GB and 1.2 TB, while the family of solid state SLC architecture includes a model with a storage capacity of 400 and 600 GB.
The average writing speed of 1.3 Gb / s and read speeds in the range of 1.5 Gb / s. Speed random read and write is 352,000 IOPS and 514,000 IOPS (Input Output Operations Per Second). Line ioDrive2 Duo models with PCIe x8 interface and memory 1.2 (architecture SLC) and 2.4 TB of Architecture ( MLC). Read and write speeds of 3 and 2.6 Gb / s. Speed random read and write is 702,000 IOPS and 937,000 IOPS. Online SSD Fusion-io Drive2 Drive2 Duo and will appear in November, the recent decision of the company will manage users in 5950. USD.
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